Discover Animal Feeding Activities at Dubai Safari Park

children feeding giraffes at Dubai Safari Park

Are you visiting Dubai for a holiday? Then, you must not miss out on the animal encounter opportunities that the place has to offer.

Apart from watching them roaming around freely in their natural habitat, you will also get the opportunity to explore animal feeding activities at Dubai Safari Park!

Now you may ask us where you will get this opportunity. Well, the Dubai Safari Park is a renowned wildlife sanctuary that offers this rare chance to interact with a variety of animals, get up close with them, feed them and create memories.

Before diving into animal feeding events, let us first talk about the Dubai Safari Park in brief.

The Dubai Safari Park

The Dubai Safari Park is a beautiful wildlife park that is strategically located in the heart of Dubai. It is the ideal spot for all the animal lovers and adventurers.

This beautiful sanctuary not only provides a home for these incredible animals, but also offers visitors a once-in-a-lifetime experience where they can get close to these gentle creatures through various animal feeding activities.

From hand-feeding the tall giraffes to witnessing the gigantic rhinos enjoying their favorite treat, this park promises an experience that will leave you astonished.

Ok, now let us discuss in detail about the various animal feeding activities that the park has to offer.

Feeding Rhinos in Dubai

Rino feeding at Dubai Safari Park

One of the most popular animal feeding activities at Dubai Safari Park is the opportunity to feed rhinos in Dubai. These huge and majestic creatures, who were once on the verge of extinction, now thrive well within the protected boundaries of the park.

The rhino feeding event is a part of the special “Behind the Scenes Special Tour”. You can feed these resident white rhinoceros who are basically from Africa, under the close supervision of the animal caretakers.

Their size might frighten you, but, these rhinos are known for their gentle nature, making this encounter both thrilling and humbling.

During the rhino feeding sessions, the knowledgeable caretakers will also share fascinating details about their behavior, diet, and conservation efforts.

One of the most popular animal feeding activities at Dubai Safari Park is the opportunity to feed rhinos in Dubai. These huge and majestic creatures, who were once on the verge of extinction, now thrive well within the protected boundaries of the park.

The rhino feeding event is a part of the special “Behind the Scenes Special Tour”. You can feed these resident white rhinoceros who are basically from Africa, under the close supervision of the animal caretakers.

Their size might frighten you, but, these rhinos are known for their gentle nature, making this encounter both thrilling and humbling.

During the rhino feeding sessions, the knowledgeable caretakers will also share fascinating details about their behavior, diet, and conservation efforts.

Giraffe Feeding at Dubai Safari Park

children feeding giraffes at Dubai Safari Park

Another highlight of the animal feeding activities in Dubai is the chance for Giraffe feeding at Dubai Safari Park. These towering beauties, with their long necks, will surely captivate visitors of all ages.

As you approach the giraffe area, you will be greeted by the sight of these magnificent creatures roaming their enclosure. They would be gently plucking the lettuce leaves with their long, purplish-black tongues from your hand.

This feeding event will offer you an up-close encounter like no other place.

During this feeding Giraffe in Dubai activity, you will also get to learn about their unique physical characteristics, feeding habits, and the conservation efforts in place to protect them.

Feeding Birds at the Aviary

Cockatiel, Feeding, Bird

After the iconic giraffe and rhino feeding experience, the safari park also offers visitors the opportunity to visit the world of feathered friends at the bird aviary. This experience allows you to participate in feeding a diverse variety of exotic birds, including African lovebirds, Alexandrine parakeets, Amazon parrots, black hooded parrots, and budgie lovebirds.

Under the careful supervision of knowledgeable caretakers, you will get to hand-feed these colorful beauties and learn about their unique dietary requirements and behavior.

Animal Feeding Timings and Ticketing

For a smooth experience, the animal feeding activities at Dubai Safari Park have been scheduled at specific times throughout the day. These timings have been carefully planned so as to coincide with the natural feeding routines of these exotic animals.

In this way, you will ensure their well-being and comfort.

The Dubai Safari Park timing for general admission varies, but the animal feeding timings are usually the same:

Giraffe Feeding: 10:30 am, 12:30 pm, 2:30 pm, and 4:00 pm (30 minutes per session)

Rhino Feeding: Around 11 AM and 3 PM, but these may vary slightly on different days(30-45 minutes).

Feeding Experience at the Bird Aviary: 12:00 pm and 3:45 pm (Daily, 30 minutes per session)

Want to be a part of these incredible animal feeding activities? Then, make sure to buy Dubai Safari Park tickets in advance, preferably online.

Buying tickets in advance will make sure that you have a seat during the feeding activities.

Other Encounters Not to Miss at the Dubai Safari Park

So, you have learned about giraffes, rhinos, and the birds. Now it is time to share information on some of the other extraordinary animal experiences that are not to be missed:

  • You can witness the graceful pink flamingos flying around in their enclosure and also learn about their unique habitat and behavior.
  • Then, make your way to the primate enclosure, which is home to some charismatic monkey species. You will be amazed by the mischievous antics and the incredible intelligence of the chimpanzees.
  • For all the daredevils, there is the reptile zone. It is a wonderland providing an up-close look at the snakes, lizards, crocodiles and more, all viewed from carefully designed transparent enclosures.
  • The big cat lovers can head over to the Lion’s Den and Tiger Territory. Here, you will observe these magnificent feline predators roaming around majestically in their domains.
  • If marine life fascinates you, do not miss the underwater Oasis aquarium section, which showcases the vibrant and diverse world beneath the ocean.
  • No visit to a wildlife sanctuary is complete without the royal elephants at the Elephant Oasis. Then, you also have the antelopes, zebras, and other hoofed herbivores roaming the plains.

Other Places That Offer Animal Feeding Activities

  • Looking to interact with wildlife beyond the Dubai Safari Park? Do not miss the Dubai Butterfly Garden, which is an indoor oasis where you can feed nectar to the colourful butterfly species flying around you.
  • Over at the Ibn Battuta Mall, your kids would love playing in the courtyard’s petting zoo, getting up close while feeding the calm farmyard animals like goats, sheep and rabbits.
  • For an enchanting evening experience, head to the Dubai Garden Glow. As night falls, you can see feed carrots and various other treats to the adorable resident rabbits and Guinea pigs.
  • Marine lovers should not miss the Dubai Dubai Dolphinarium, where they can participate in various programs to feed and play with friendly bottlenose dolphins.
  • Those looking for a quieter rural life can visit the Arabian Ranches Petting Farm. This little countryside place lets you hand feed goats, sheep and other gentle farm animals.

Things to Keep in Mind when Feeding the Animals at the Dubai Safari Park

Here are some things to keep in mind when you are feeding the animals at the park:

  • The park has experienced caretakers who will be guiding you through the feeding process. So, pay close attention to their instructions and follow them carefully to ensure the safety of both you and the animals.
  • These animals are gentle creatures and can be easily startled by sudden noise or rapid movement. So, you must slowly approach them, and avoid making any loud noises or gestures that could frighten them.
  • During the feeding experience you will get the opportunity to get up close with the animals, but it is crucial to maintain a respectful distance at all times. But, do not try to touch or pet the animals without taking permission from the caretakers.
  • Please resist the temptation to offer multiple treats at once to the animal. Feeding the animals a treat at a time prevents overconsumption.
  • Be extremely careful of where you place your hands during the feeding process. These animals might look gentle, but they have powerful jaws, and even a playful nibble could cause serious injuries.
  • For the safety and well-being of the animals and yourself, it is crucial to remain in the designated feeding areas. Do not wander off or try to enter restricted areas.
  • It is essential to respect the personal space of the animals. So avoid crowding or cornering the animals, as this could cause them distress.
  • The park has specific hygiene guidelines to prevent the spread of germs and diseases. So follow the instructions provided regarding hand washing or sanitization.
  • While taking photographs and videos of the animals, please be careful so that you do not disturb or distract them.


These are some of the popular animal feeding activities that the Dubai Safari Park has to offer. So, the next time you visit Dubai, do try these activities.

Just make sure to be careful, and follow all the instructions for a safe and smooth visit.

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