Experience the Thrill of a Safari Journey at Dubai Safari Park

If you are an animal lover just like us, then you might have wondered what it would be like to get up close with some of the world’s most magnificent creatures. Well, there is actually a place where you can experience this easily.

This is the Dubai Safari Park, which is a beautiful wildlife sanctuary filled with exotic animals like rhinos, giraffes, elephants, lions and much more. It is just a 40 minute drive from the Dubai centre.

So, today, we will discuss what unique experiences await you at Safari Journey at Dubai Safari Park.

A Unique Encounter with Nature

African Village in Dubai Safari Park

Picture yourself sitting comfortably in an enclosed vehicle right in the middle of African Savanna, as you slowly enter a world where lions lounge on specially cooled rocks and giraffes casually munch on treetops.

Sounds like something right out of a Nat Geo show, right? Well, here’s the kicker; this is actually real, and it is waiting for you at the African Village in the Dubai Safari Park.

Now, you might be thinking, “Sure, I have been to zoos before.” But trust me, this is a whole different game.

The Dubai safari journey isn’t just about seeing animals behind bars, it is being a part of their world, observing them living peacefully in spacious, natural-looking habitats.

You will feel like you have stepped into a David Attenborough documentary, just without the need of being actually present in Africa.

When to Embark on Your Adventure

In case you are on a quick trip to Dubai, but still want to visit the park, Dubai Safari park timings are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. everyday. Yeah, just make sure to arrive as early as possible to get the best experience.

Not only will you beat the heat (Dubai can get pretty hot), but you might actually catch some of the animals at their most active. Plus, who doesn’t want to be the first to start an adventure?

What to Expect on Your Safari

Safari Park

So, what exactly can you expect on this wild ride? Well, let me paint you a picture.

Imagine cruising along smoothly in your safari vehicle with your guide, the anticipation building. Suddenly, your vehicle stops, and your guide points out a pride of lions basking in the sun or enjoying a feast.

As your mind is blown and you are left reeling, you spot a family of rhinos in the distance. And just when you think it can’t get any better, you see a majestic giraffe stretching its long neck right over your vehicle.

But, the experience is not just about the big names in the animal kingdom. Keep an eye out for hippos, zebras, antelopes, and even hyenas. And don’t forget the cheeky baboons who might just put on a show for you.

You know what’s the best part of this Safari journey? This isn’t just a rushed tour where you would be herded through like cattle. The Safari journey lasts for around 35 minutes, giving you plenty of time and opportunity to soak it all in.

As you explore the park, you will come across different zones representing various habitats. The African Savanna section might greet you with herds of wildebeest and gazelles.

The Asian Zone will surprise you with rare sightings of the Bengal tigers or Asian elephants.

Do not be surprised if you come across some unexpected animal behaviours. You might just witness a group of meerkats standing at attention, and male ostriches performing their mating dance (you know what I mean if you have watched Jimmy from tyamonganimals).

You might even spot a rhinoceros enjoying a mud bath to cool off in the Dubai heat.

In addition to all these, the clever design of the Dubai Safari Park lets you see animals from different vantage points. Sometimes you will be at eye level with the creatures, other times you might find yourself looking at towering giraffes or gazing down at the lazy hippos.

Just make sure that you have your camera ready, but do not spend the entire time behind the lens. Some of the best moments will be the ones you simply experience with your own eyes.

The way a leopard’s spots shimmer in the sunlight or the gentle sway of an elephant’s trunk are some of the details that make the Safari Journey truly unforgettable.

Remember, while the animals are the stars of the show, the landscape is pretty impressive, too. The authorities have gone to great lengths to recreate natural habitats, complete with watering holes, rocky outcrops, and lush vegetation.

Your Personal Wildlife Guide

Safari guide

Now, I know what you are thinking. “This all sounds cool, but I don’t know the first thing about these animals.” Don’t worry; the knowledgeable guides at the Safari Park have got you covered.

These people are not some run-of-the-mill tour guides. These folks are professional, passionate about wildlife, and bursting with facts and stories about these animals.

Ever wondered why zebras have stripes? Or how much a hippo can weigh? Your guide will be more than happy to satisfy your curiosity.

A Journey for All Ages


Whether you are 8 or 80, you will surely be amazed after the Safari journey. Young kids will be wide-eyed with wonder, while adults can indulge their inner child and learn something new.

The Safari journey at the Dubai Safari Park is a perfect family outing, a unique date idea, or even a solo adventure for nature enthusiasts.

Ready to Take the Plunge?

So, are you feeling the call of the wild yet? If you are, then you are ready to embark on your Safari journey, it’s time to Book your safari journey. You can always visit the website to book tickets or if you want you can also get them from the counter.

Essential Tips For a Safe and Enjoyable Safari Journey

  • Wear comfortable clothing, hats, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Bring a refillable water bottle to ensure you have enough water throughout the journey.
  • Listen to your guide’s instructions and follow safety guidelines.
  • Keep a safe distance from the animals and avoid feeding or touching them.
  • Please wear seat belts and hold on tight during the Safari journey.
  • Keep the Safari Park clean and dispose of trash properly.
  • Do not use flash photography to prevent startling the animals.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in the park to avoid fire and protect the environment.
  • To learn more about the animals and their habitat, listen carefully to what your guide has to say.
  • Finally, remember to appreciate and respect the wildlife and their habitat.

A Final Word

As we wrap up our virtual tour, we hope that we have given you a taste of the adventure that you can expect at Dubai Safari Park. It is not just a regular tourist attraction, it is an opportunity to connect with the nature, learn about conservation, and create memories which will last a lifetime.

So, what’s holding you back? The wild is calling, and it is time to answer. Get ready for an unforgettable Safari journey that will leave you roaring with excitement.


1. What should I wear for the Safari Journey?

Comfort is extremely important during such adventures. So go for light, breathable clothes and closed-toe shoes. Also make sure to carry a hat, and shades to protect yourself from the Sun.

Even though the vehicles are covered, it is always good to be prepared for the Dubai heat.

2. Can I bring my own food and drinks?

Outside food and drinks are not allowed on the safari journey for the safety of the animals. However, you will have plenty of dining options to choose from in the middle of the park. Here, you can refuel and continue with your adventure.

3. Are there age restrictions for the Safari Journey?

The Safari adventure is suitable for all ages. Children under 3 can sit on an adult’s lap for free. This is a fantastic experience for the whole family, from toddlers to grandparents.

4. How close do we get to the animals?

The specially designed Safari vehicles will bring you remarkably closer to many animals, while maintaining a safe distance. With excellent viewing opportunities, curious creatures might even approach you. This up-close experience makes up for an unforgettable encounter.

5. Is photography allowed during the Safari Journey?

Yes, photography is highly encouraged at the Dubai Safari Park. Just remember to turn off or remove your flash to avoid disturbing the animals.

You will have plenty of opportunities to capture amazing shots of the wildlife in their habitats.

6. What if I spot an animal in distress during the Safari Journey?

The park prioritizes animal welfare. So, if you notice anything concerning, inform your guide immediately.

They are trained to handle such situations and will alert the appropriate staff.

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