The White Rhino at Dubai Safari Park

The White Rhinos at Dubai Safari Park

Meet the magnificent white rhinos of Dubai Safari Park! These gentle giants are an iconic species, known for their size, strength, and gentle nature.

Olive & Neloy: Ambassadors of the Species

Olive and Neloy are the beloved white rhino couple at Dubai Safari Park. They represent their species, showcasing their beauty and highlighting the need for conservation.

A Day in the Savanna

Step into the savanna-like enclosure, designed to mimic the white rhinos' natural habitat. Observe them grazing, wallowing, and interacting with their environment.

Family Matters

Family is crucial in white rhino society. Learn about their social dynamics and witness mothers raising their calves.

Threats & Challenges

White rhinos face alarming threats in the wild, including poaching and habitat loss.

Becoming a Rhino Detective

At the park you will learn to identify white rhinos by their unique features, like size, facial features, and horn shape.

Beyond the Enclosure

Dubai Safari Park prioritizes animal welfare. See how staff provide specialized care and enrichment activities for the rhinos.

The Call to Protect

Be inspired to make a difference! Learn about rhino conservation efforts and how you can contribute.

A Lasting Connection

Your visit to Dubai Safari Park will leave a lasting impression. Witnessing these magnificent creatures fosters a deeper appreciation for their importance and the need for their continued protection.